An event every week that begins at 8:30 am on Wednesday, repeating until October 12, 2022
Employs traditional and micro-movement exercises for gentle joint mobilization and core strengthening. Builds torso strength and increases flexibility through a series of gentle floor exercises. NOTE: We advise taking Beginning and Level I classes to establish an understanding of Pilates technique prior to taking Level II classes.
Combo class: Join us at the Dexter Wellness Center or take the class virtually. Registration is required for all virtual participants.
Register online through the member self-service portal on our website or center app. (Member Login: https://www.ourclublogin.com/Account/Login/500221). You must have access to your member self-service account and have Zoom software downloaded on your device for all virtual live classes. Please arrive on time to ensure entry into the class. Class is located in Dexter.
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